26 September 2012

Health Services Management

It is recognized that the health sector is not likely improve the health status of the community, without the support and intervention of other sectors including education, provision of sanitation, economic and other factors. It is seen in health planning strategies in which the role of development planning needs to be integrated.

Today the range of both business and government organizations such as the united States, to change the paradigm and orientation into the orientation of the manufacturer. Human Resources concentrated to community service, manufacturing value-added products, competitive. Government officials and service units, driven, motivated to compete to provide excellent service (a more fulfilling society).
Therefore, realizing the increasing health awareness by the public of their rights, including health services, then we as candidates for public servants as Public Health need to understand the management of public health services.

Health services management stretcher in this article I will discuss about understanding the service, insightful conception services, the characteristics of services, management of outstanding community service. So, is expected to increase our understanding and insight and be able to be implemented in the field of public health in order to provide benefits to all parties, including our own as a candidate for Public Health.


Community Services Management is a process or the ability to manage services that people depend upon from the time the request was submitted until the services are used. Management services are fast, accurate and quality, in accordance with the characteristics promised or expected by society (consumers), it is an excellent service management or management or satisfactory.

In the management of health services in the community so that there are 4 stages to satisfy the major activities to be carried out sequentially and integrated, namely:

A. Planning services needed
B. Processing or preparation services
C. Submit service
D. Responding to the needs of

A. Planning for needed health services public
1. Identify Needs

Prior to determining the need for health care, who first became known to the target (the community) to be served. In general, customers served per employee is someone every person or organization / work units that interact, relate and expect something needs with the purpose of our work, as a potential health experts. They expect us to meet their needs according to the characteristics, a certain quality or standard.

2. Understanding customer needs
In understanding the needs of customers according to their expectations, there are two approaches that can be done, namely: communication (3 way) and benchmarking (one way). Thus, there are 4 ways to understand the needs of the customer / consumer / public, namely:

a. Reactive
Understanding customer needs is to hear complaints reactive customer / community. If there is a new complaint in action to respond. This approach is less effective in creating a satisfying customer service on an ongoing basis.

b. Active
Understanding the need for active community is by answering every customer question or people who come to health services and offer services that are provided. I think this way is less effective, because the goal is new at active listening, not to explore what people's expectations are dating to health services.

c. Proactive
Is actively solicit information about the expectations of the people, through interviewing, surveys. These providers as if positioned itself as a customer. This proactive approach, I think is very effective when applied to the health care provider community.

d. Benchmarking
Understanding the needs of the service by benchmarking is a process of measuring the services provided on an ongoing basis by comparing the services of other agencies (competitors).

In determining the unique needs of each customer or the people in the health services that are not based on assumptions, opinions, but should be based on actual data and information. therefore, there must be an agreement with the public perception of the value, benefits and the model of your services.

If you already understand the need for public health services, it must formulate concrete needs. Then create a design or designs. In a draft that must be specified quality, characteristic of certain dimensions, including the dimension of time processing, and delivery as well as a touch of personal service for the purpose of implementing the standard.

3. Services Processing Services

Each job has lead to the outcome or goal attainment. In this globalization era, the demands of any job is not just the result or product of goods and services, but the resulting quality, it can satisfy customers and efficiently. So competitive in quality and price.

In an effort to meet the health care needs of the community, there are 2 things as a main component to be processed properly, correctly and implement a quality process control system as follows:

a. Accuracy Activity

In carrying out public health services for a series of activities that must be implemented to be validated so that appropriate and will actually produce something that is needed by the community in accordance with the planned or designed.
Activities that have been determined to be integrated in order to support each other and focused on providing health care to the community.
Any activity that has been determined in the field each corresponding duties and functions should be done correctly and on time based on the standards set.

b. Resources accuracy
In order for the activity-activity undertaken by us in serving the public health more effectively, there must be an appropriate number of resources. Because, Resources who supports us as a potential public health experts to still be able to produce, produce something that can be required by the community. Resources include: Manpower (HR), funds, materials, equipment or technology, Methods, Data, Information, Time and the Environment.

Resources can be a source of waste. Therefore, in my opinion should be managed, processed correctly, and exactly as follows:
1. Provision of Health Resources

The resources we need to serve the public health should be provided with appropriate, in an adequate and ready to use.
Materials inputs (input) that will be managed should be examined carefully for the right quantity and quality specifications defined to ensure the quality of products produced in the form of services that satisfy all parties.

2. Use of Health Resources
a. Resource Usage shalt Right, such as:

HR should be empowered appropriate skills, expertise, skill or competence.
Thorough competence we have whether it is appropriate to the work entrusted, be our responsibility.

b. Working facilities

We work carefully or technology available, whether in ready condition, and we can operate properly, so the completion of our work in serving the public health more quickly, precisely, and the result satisfy all parties, without any defects.

c. Lifetime

Characteristics of facilities and technology available must be understood and kept, well maintained, so that the working capacity in serving the public health remains optimal. Because, by understanding the characteristics, mechanism of action of the means, the technology available means that you will be able to control the operator of time, maintenance, and repairs.

d. Enabling Resource

Resources available must be utilized optimally in accordance with its function.

3. Modern Quality Process Control Systems

To establish a number of activities and resources are integrated into aarah improving the quality and efficiency of health services on an ongoing basis, we need to do a quality process control system through inspection activities by conducting research and site visits.

System control the quality of public health services, at least in my opinion should have five characteristics:

a. Oriented to the Community
Designed according to the wishes or needs of the public's expectations
b. Active participation of employees
Conception of improving the quality of health care is not only the responsibility of the quality control unit, but the responsibility of all unit employees.
c. Every employee understands the responsibility of the quality specifications
d. Action-oriented prevention
System quality control process prevention-oriented health care, not on the selection activities (inspection). The process inputs into outputs (output) is done through appropriate activities, appropriate resources, and with the proper and correct manner.
e. Quality of Health Care in the community is a "Way of Life"
With the quality control of health care early on, and at all levels, it is a guarantee of service quality, defect-free, so the organization has the competitiveness of the product in the form of quality health services, so that the organization can continue to survive.

4. Delivery of Health Care Services

Upon delivery of health services to the community and health service after it was received, including:

Timeliness of health care processes.
Consistent punctual delivery of health care services demanded by the community.
Quality of the services rendered totally in accordance with the prescribed qualifications or standards, free from errors, including completeness.
Information relating to the use, the benefits to the public health services should be clear.
Response to complaints health care must accurately and quickly.
Commitment to health insurance provided.
Interaction with the community fun, especially in the case of: Responding to community needs, must:

Attractive appearance with a rapid and clean clothes.
Typical touch either through body language and speech language.
Courtesy and sensitivity in response to complaints.
How transmission or delivery of health services by offering, alternatives such as providing information about the side effects of drugs that will be used by the community and benefits.

5. Responding to the Health Care Complaints (Satisfy Customers who complain).

Limitations in many ways to make health care does not necessarily maximize the satisfaction of the community. Customers or users of health care services that a complaint, should have a typical service, though less precise mode of delivery. If they do not deliver in abundance directly to health care providers such as hospitals or health centers, but passed on to others by word of mouth, or through the mass media, the impact will be worse on the sustainability of health care provider organizations and will result in the risk of ill will higher because of the people or the community health service lovers, reluctant to go to hospital but using other channels, such as shamans or medicine are medically less appropriate.

Here are some of the steps taken to satisfy people who complain:
a. Listen carefully to complaints about health services are delivered.
b. Take note of their complaints properly
c. Repeat the main point being made to convince them that we have heard, correctly understood their grievances
d. Give an attitude, that we empathize with the people who complain
e. Acknowledge that we can understand feelings, attitudes, disappointment, anger, resentment them.
f. Apologize
g. Describe actions to be taken to resolve the complaint.
h. Say thank you and the statements will be more careful in the future.


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